2013年10月9日 星期三

To be male or to be female,that is a question (part one)

Hello everyone.this week I choose a special phenomena of biology as my topic─the sequential hermaphroditism,wihch means that creatures have the ability to change their gender in their lives.Easily to say,can you imagine that before 18 years old you are boys and after 18 years old,all the boys change into women?This is the phenomena of sequential hermaphroditism.Now we know what the topic means,but which creature have this extraordinary change in their life?Well,about this qustion,I'd like to use picture to answer it.

First,this phenamena is devided into 2 types─one means that animals are born male and at some point in their lifespan change sex to female,which is called the Protandrous hermaphrodites.This kind of animals include clownfish(尼莫)
and ctenophore(櫛水母)
and the other type of hermaphroditism is Protogyny,whose order of gender in lives is contrary to the above one(female first and male later).this type of change  is the most common form of hermaphroditism in fish in nature.About 75% of all sequentially hermaphroditic fish species are protogynous,and the typical examples are Wrasses(隆頭魚)
 and groupers(石斑魚)
For there are too much knowledge behind this phenomena,I can not introduce all of them in one time.Consequently,I will continue this topic in the next few weeks.Hope all of you can enjoy it.

the brief introductin of hermaphroditism vedio:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHwQSrn3F24

3 則留言:

  1. Like your previous introduction, this time is also amazing and interesting!
    If we would change our gender in the age of eighteen, we might have to transfer to Taipei First Girls school from CK (JG for now?). I am looking forward to the next episode about this topic!

  2. Why these animals change their sex remains mystery, still. I only know that they may do this in some special situation such as in the period of breeding. Hope to get more information about it in the next few week!
