2013年12月12日 星期四

The summary of biological world

Hello everyone,this week is the last week of our blog's project.As I was typing this final article,I feel a little bit sense of achievement and reluctance.I got this complex feeling because I did a great job on this assignment(I feel).However,There's no more time for me to do this interesting homework.
Now my feeling is like this cat's picture.
At the first of my blogs,it was very knotty for me to choose the topic because to find a appropriate video which not only can be funny,but also has something that we can learn from.When the next week's deadline came, I felt irritated and just wanted to finish the assignment as fast as possible.Nevertheless,the more blogs as I write,the more sense of accomplishment I got.Writing the blog is not just for handing the assignment anymore!During the process of writing blogs,my English writing skill was gradually improved,and I also learned other intriguing biological knowledge which I didn't know before.Like the super punch of mantis shrimp.
Or the Tapir's story
And so on...
Writing this topic by blogs really let me learn a lot!And hope the people watching my blogs would had the same felling as me.This is the end of my blog.Goodbye,my readers! 

2013年12月5日 星期四

The furry dark asassin──the owl

Hello everyone,This week we are talking about the big-eye night predator─the owl.Its appearance is like this picture!
Haha,sorry again for posting the wrong picture.But actually,the coffee is so cool!All right,here is the true owl.
 His smile is really cute,isn't it?If everyone in the world can smile like this everyday,I think there will be no more bad things happen and the world will be better.So let's enjoy the same smile again!
All right,after sharing my hope for the world,let's get back to our topic─The furry dark asassin.Why I give the owl this name?This is because of its professional weapon and skill of attacking its prey.First,the owl has special feather coat like this.
What can these small fur in the edge of feather do?Well,by these small fur,the owl can fly without any sound so that it can approach the prey silently and has more chance to kill it at night.
And then,there's another specialty for the owl.That is the sharp talons(腳上的爪) and beak.These two weapons are like 拳刃
which can not only rip off the flesh but also crush the prey's body.According to the data in wiki,we need 130N of force to let the Great Horned Owl release their prey.That's really incredible power!
And the third one is their color of feather,by the camouflage(保護色)of the owl,it can become nearly invisible in the environment and kill the prey more effectively.
Like this picture
Ok,these are this week's introduction.If you want to learn more about the owl,you can watch this week's “True fact”.Hope you enjoy it!

2013年11月23日 星期六

The story about Mrs.Tapir

Hello everyone.This week I'd like to change type of the content.Let's see the interesting story about our topic─Tapir(貘)!!
It is cute,isn't it?
But in ancient China and Japan,tapir was seen as a legendary monster by people.It is said that it has a body like bear,noise like elephant,eyes like rhino,tails like ox,and legs like tiger.Its depiction sounds a little bit cool and scary!And I find one picture about this descripction.
In addition to its extraordinary appearance,the ability of the tapir is also fantastic──It can eat people's dream!This legend was derived from ancient Japan.Ancient Japanese believed that tapir can eat people's nightmare,so people at that time take tapir as god's animal.(神獸)
Now,people know that tapirs are not god's animal at all.However,there are many literature or comic books use this legend as their works' element.For example,I think no one is unfamiliar with this pokemon.
Yes!This pokemon's characteristic is created from the legend of eating nightmare.
After reading the legend about the tapir,it is time to see the real tapir in the current world.Let's enjoy the humorous vedio“the true story about Mrs.Tapir”
Thank you for your visiting!

2013年11月19日 星期二

The prettiest female animal in the world??

Hey body.The week we are going to see the most prettiest female animal in the world──the anglerfish.
Oops,hope you are not shocked by the picture.It is just a joke.And maybe its beauty is from inner beauty.I guess.
All right,let's back to the point.Today I would like to introduce this extraordinary-looking animal.But before the introduction,I would like to ask you a question.Which gender is the angler fish in the picture?
It is female.Are you correct?Maybe some of you may think:How can I know the answer?Well,it is what I want to introduce today:the special mating method of angler fish.
First,because the density of angler fish's group is quite low,it is hard for them to find a mate.In order to save this problem,they find a method on an evolutionary way.the male fish's body is comparatively small between the female's one.It looks like this.
And then,these small male fish will not become bigger.It will like parasites(寄身蟲) and attach to the female's body.And its body's functions will gradually degenerate,only left the organs that associate with mating.
If you are men,you may think that male angler fish is pathetic because what they can do in their whole lives is find a female and become parasites.Fortunately,we're not angler fish so we won't need to lead such boring lives.
That's the whole things for today and you can watch the interesting 「the true fact」below.Thank you for your visiting.

2013年11月11日 星期一

Mantis Shrimpz──the always champion of boxer

Hello evreyone,this week I'd like to introduce an interesting to you──the Mantis Shrimps.I guess you must be curious about the content about my title said,but stay anticipated!That is our highlight for today.

Oops,I pick the wrong picture.That is the Mantis Shrimp soup.

this is the right Mantis Shrimp picture.
 The first specialty of Mantis Shrimp is its eyes' function.Its eyes can not only move around independently,but also sense more color light than other animals,which make them see the outside world differently from us.However,It is pretty bad at sensing the colors that human can see.In addition to these,due to its specific eye structure,it can only use one eye to produce the 3D image.Compared to human,we can at least use two eyes to do so.No wonder it has been considered to be the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom.(動物界)

All right,after the introduction of its super eye function,we are going to see the second specialty of it──the 
punch of the Mantis Shrimp!!
According to this week's video's introduction,its one punch's force is estimated to 15000 Newtons of force,which is like the power of bullet.And because its punch is too fast,it will create an instant vacuum,which will form bubbles in the water.The bubbles will immediately collapse on the hit subject and cause a second waveshock.With the devastating power of punch and bubbles,it can use punch to penetrate the shell of crab.How unbelievable the power is!
At last,you can see more interesting and kuso introduction in the video.Thanks for your reading!

2013年10月28日 星期一

Cabbage Oven(Finally change the topic)

Hola(西班牙文)!After finishing the long and long introduction of gender chanching,we will get to explore  my favorite area of biology─Biochemistry,which use the viewpoint of chemistry to explain complex phenomena in biology.And this week,I will start this topic with a special kind of plant,which is called Eastern skunk cabbage(臭鼬包心菜).
(in the summer)

(in the early spring)
As its name said,it also like our first week's topic─Its flower had distinctive smell.However,Its ordor is not our focus this week.What we want to see is its heating ability when it blooms.It can heat up itself to 15~35°C while it is snowing.How incredible the plant is!How does it do that?Well,We will find the answer by using the knowledge of biochemistry.
Do you guys remember the mechanism(機制) of aerobic respiration(有氧呼吸) taught in senior high school?If you forgot it,you can try this vedio to recall it.
As you recall the memory,we can understand the magic that the skunk cabbage play.The skunk cabbage has two kinds of aerobic respiration.One is for generating ATP,and this kind of aerobic respiration is the normal one that we have learned.Another one is for generating heat.The steps of this type are a little bit different.Because its purpose is to generate heat,the structure to generate ATP is useless.So in the step “electron transcript chain”(電子傳遞鏈 簡稱ETC),there's no ATP synthase(ATP合成酶)in the terminal of ETC,which means the process EYC can only let electron running on it but cannot generate ATP.It is just like electron wire,whose electron energy “P=I平方R”will spread into the environment.And then,you got a view of cabbage oven!
At last,let's watch the real situation of this interesting oven.Thank you for your visiting!

2013年10月22日 星期二

To be male or to be female,that is a question (part three)

Hello everyone,after the last two week's introduction of the gender change in animal,this week we will go to explore another kind of gender changing in plant,which is called dichogamy(雌雄異熟).As you saw the Chinese of dichogamy,you may think it is not as peculiar as last things we introduced.To change this boring image,I'd like to show a extraordinary video to you.Please watch the vedio to the last second.
Magnolia flower
It's so cool.isn't it?
However,it is not over.If you have the potential of being scientist,you may want to ask“Why?Why do they have this behavior? ”Well,it is apparent that the cause is different from animals'.At first,botanists thought that it is because plants have to reduce the probability of inbreeding(Because self-pollination contribute to inbreeding).Nevertheless,botanists found that self-incompatibility plants,which make themselves inbreed by different time of pollen germination(花粉萌芽), pollen tube growth(花粉管生長), ovule fertilization(胚珠發育), and embryo development(子房形成),also have this behavior.Consequently,it means the reduction of inbreeding is not the purpose that plants have dichogamy. 
Now,botanists think this behavior is to avoid the interference of stamen(雄蕊) and stigma(雌蕊),which prohibit the pollinators to spread pollen due to their volume.The answer may seems a little bit simple,but it does play an important role in causing this phenomena.
All right,these are the whole introduction of the gender of change.Hope all of you enjoy this topic.

2013年10月16日 星期三

To be male or to be female,that is a question(part two)

Hello everyone,this week I will thoroughly introduce the phenomena of gender changing.First,after understanding what the Sequential Hermaphroditism is,you may want to ask“Why do creatures have this phenomena? ”.As the topic said,this is a good question,and I would like show some opinion of scientists to find the answer.For the first question:“Why do creatures have this phenomena?”,the public answer is that due to the low population densities,it is hard for some animals to find a partner to mate.By this way,one individual can have higher ability of reproduction.
However,this tremendous change of body cost a lot of time and energy.According to the research done by Yale University and the National Science Foundation,they found that i their theoretical models of the hermaphrodite spend 30 percent of its lifetime in the process of change sex, and still persist in a population.It shows the change of sex is in no way easy.In addition,this strategy will cause lower genetic recombination(遺傳再組合),which may lead to inbreeding depression.
After explaining the answer,It is time to see some interesting examples.This time,I choose this popular fish as our topic.
the clownfish
About its amazing strategy of reproduction,I think everyone can watch this week's video.(I think you may not want to read words now,aren't you?) 
 This is the end of this week introduction.And next week we will see that the similar phenomena happens on plants.


2013年10月9日 星期三

To be male or to be female,that is a question (part one)

Hello everyone.this week I choose a special phenomena of biology as my topic─the sequential hermaphroditism,wihch means that creatures have the ability to change their gender in their lives.Easily to say,can you imagine that before 18 years old you are boys and after 18 years old,all the boys change into women?This is the phenomena of sequential hermaphroditism.Now we know what the topic means,but which creature have this extraordinary change in their life?Well,about this qustion,I'd like to use picture to answer it.

First,this phenamena is devided into 2 types─one means that animals are born male and at some point in their lifespan change sex to female,which is called the Protandrous hermaphrodites.This kind of animals include clownfish(尼莫)
and ctenophore(櫛水母)
and the other type of hermaphroditism is Protogyny,whose order of gender in lives is contrary to the above one(female first and male later).this type of change  is the most common form of hermaphroditism in fish in nature.About 75% of all sequentially hermaphroditic fish species are protogynous,and the typical examples are Wrasses(隆頭魚)
 and groupers(石斑魚)
For there are too much knowledge behind this phenomena,I can not introduce all of them in one time.Consequently,I will continue this topic in the next few weeks.Hope all of you can enjoy it.

the brief introductin of hermaphroditism vedio:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHwQSrn3F24

2013年10月3日 星期四

hello everyone.Today I'd like to start the topic from a extreme special plant─ titan arum.As it's name's meaning,the plant looks extremely “titanic”when it blooms. It is a flowering plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world.An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches.Easily to say,it is a part of flower.However,it is useless to tell how big it is without showing picture.So the picture is here.

It is an amazing plant,isn't it?Or some of you may think that it is disgusting due to its looking.If you think so,your instinct is right because it will really make you disgusted on account of its flower's ordor.It is said that it smells like decomposing mammal.Due to the fact,titan arum has other names such as corpse flower,carrion flower,or corpse plant.Even people in Indonesia give this plant an Indonisian name called  bunga bangkai – bunga means flower, while bangkai can be translated as corpse, cadaver, or carrion.Despite it's uncute looking and smelling ordor,it is still an interesting and cool plant.I hope everyone enjoy learning this specific creature in front of the computer instead of approaching it and experiencing it's “bangkai” smell.

this is the introducting video of titan arum.Hope everyone can enjoy it.